Memes Big peepee The infinite powers of darkness Fluffiness A glock How do you feel about your creation? I didn't want to believe it. And then Sonic Team 's. Venom is renamed to "New York Vinny"and its thumbnail is Richard. Luigi's Mansion Repainted 2. And then Valve 's. It's not up my ass! luigis mansion repainted

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As soon as the game loads, it plays " I Love Beijing Tiananmen manssion. Someone in the stream chat mentioned they were keeping a Sharingan counter.

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You bet your ass that they were edited. A scene that occurs very shortly after the game starts has an incredibly white and suspicious-looking texture covering the majority of the screen It pains me to think they were pwned by total noobs with sweet Razor products.

Luigi's Mansion Repainted | Super Mario | Know Your Meme

But then what, I ask? Shadow of the Labyrinth, a Telltale Games Series. I can't pass this class As soon as Spencer enters the portal at the end of the first level, the game crashes. Concern Concern Big oof Concern Have you answered honestly? Meryll is just a floating skull. King Harkinian is engraved on it. It's your mom's spot. Hurry up before something bad happens to me!

Memes Big peepee The infinite powers of darkness Fluffiness A glock How do you feel about your creation? Man we got racial slurs and we got cucks, we actually are 4Chan now. When he reveals himself as Master Miller, he luigos turns into Snoop Dogg.

Some of the renamed stages and thumbnails are worth a mention. Cue the Awakening Wood, with hundreds of them as flower petals.

Games Repainted / Funny - TV Tropes

And then Wiseau Films'. Now, wasn't that the greatest luogis of your LIFE?! Pretty much everything Squidward says in the tutorial: Don't worry though, I'm sure some asshole will kidnap me any second now.

It takes GeePM a few minutes before he realizes the walls in the character creation menu are Bluster Kong. Now I have Kammy.

The best parts, however, are found in the subtitles, menu text, and so on. And then Konami 's. Dream Land 64 is renamed to "Meme Lan".

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And then Capcom 's. This blows up the shrine and drops several Spodermen onto him.

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The exercise yard has an edited version of Re;ainted Star that continuously loops the line "They don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming I need Peach to fill the void within me. Most of the bosses get fresh new looks: The Legend of Zelda: And then EA Sports'.

Shadow the Hedgehog becomes Barack Obamaand Coldsteel persistently accuses him of being a lizard-man.


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